Reaction time:

Name in Tables
Description of variable:
erttot RT total MEAN "RT total MEAN" refers to mean reaction times across all valid trials, regardless of the content of that response.
estdtot RT total STD "RT total STD" refers to the standard deviation of reaction times across all valid trials, regardless of the content of that response.
erttar RT target MEAN "RT target MEAN" refers to mean latency for dominant responses only.
estdtar RT target STD "RT target STD" refers the standard deviation of reaction times for dominant responses only.
ert2 RT Lex2phon MEAN "RT Lex2phon MEAN" refers to mean latency of responses categorized as morphological variant of the dominant name "Lex2phon" (see details above). For some items empty cells signal that there were not enough valid responses within this lexical category to calculate variable value (minimum 2).
ert3 RT Lex3syn MEAN "RT Lex3syn MEAN" refers to mean latency of responses categorized as synonyms of the dominant response (see details above). For some items empty cells signal that there were not enough valid responses within this lexical category to calculate variable value (minimum 2).
ert4 RT Lex4err MEAN "RT Lex4err MEAN" refers to mean latency of responses categorized as error or other as compared to the dominant response "Lex4err" (see details above). For some items empty cells signal that there were not enough valid responses within this lexical category to calculate variable value (minimum 2).