
Spanish Verb Inventory (SVI)

Code Book

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1) task The task the particpant was randomized to:
  • 1=pronoun
• 2=pronoun
2) infinitive The unconjugated infinitive verb form.
3) conjugate The conjugated verb form.
4) class The verb class:
  • 1=ar
• 2=er
• 3=ir
5) syllable The number of syllables in the lexeme (ranges from 1 to 5).
6) fsylfreq This variable is the frequency of the first syllable of all verbs containing that first syllable for words consisting of the same number of syllables; from Carrerras et al database "Buscapalabras" found at www.neurocog.ull.es
7) stress The syllable that carries the stress
  • 1=stress on first syllable
• 2=stress on second syllable
• 3=stress on third syllable
• 4=stress on fourth syllable
8) tystress The type of stress carried by the stressed syllable
  • 1=sobresdrújula: words whose accent falls on the fourth to the last syllable.
• 2=esdrújula: words whose accent falls on the third to the last syllable (syllable before the penultimum).
• 3=llana: words whose accent falls on the second to the last syllable (penultimum), which is also the most common or canonical stress position in Spanish.
• 4=aguada: words whose accent falls on the last syllable or monosyllable words
9) canonica This variable denotes whether the stress syllable is the canonical position (i.e., the second to the last syllable which is the syllable most commonly carrying the stress in Spanish verbs):
  • 0=noncanonical
• 1=canonical
10) lemfreq Mark Davies' frequency of each of the infinitive verb forms found in Corpus de Español database found at http://www.corpusdelespanol.org/.
11) lexfreq Mark Davies' frequency of each of the conjugated verb forms. The value describes the total frequency the verb appears in written and oral forms from the Corpus de Español database found at http://www.corpusdelespanol.org/.
12) reglemma This variable defines a lemma as either a regular or irregular verb form:
  • 0=regular verb lemma
• 1=irregular verb lemma
13) reglexem This variable defines a lexeme as either a regular or irregular verb form.
  • 0=regular verb lexeme
• 1=irregular verb lexeme
14) tense The tense associated with the indicative form of the verb:
  • Pres=present
• PP=past participle
• Futur=future
• Past=immediate past
15) alttense The "alternate tense" of the verb is indicated in cases where the same verb form represents two different tenses. This occurs for verb forms used in the present and past tenses (i.e., abrimos can represent more than one tense -- nosotros abrimos [we open] or [we opened].
  • none = verb has no alternative tense
• past= the alternative tense is the immediate past tense
16) person The object pronoun associated with the verb (i.e., yo, tú, el/ella, nosotros, ustedes, ellos/ellas).
17) alperson The "alternative object pronoun " of the verb is indicated in cases where the same verb form can represent two different object pronouns, (i.e. caía can represent more than one person --yo caía [I was falling], el caía [he was falling].
imperalt The imperative object pronoun is indicated in cases where a lexeme can be used to express a command (i.e., cocina can be expressed in the imperative -- el cocina [he cooks], tu cocina [you, cook!]
20) stemchg This variable indicates whether a lexeme undergoes a stem-change.
  • 0= no stem-change
• 1="o" changes to "ue"
• 2="e" changes to "ie"
• 3="e changes to "i"
• 4= "o" changes to "u",
• 5= "u" to "ue"
22) stidur The duration of the stimulus word lexeme in milliseconds.
23) root The root of the stimulus word lexeme as defined by Linares et al. (2006)*
24) rootms The duration of the root of the stimulus word lexeme in milliseconds.
25) rootend The root suffix of the stimulus word lexeme.
26) rtendms The duration of the root suffix of each lexeme.
27) stem The stem of the stimulus word lexeme as defined by Linares et al. (2006)*.
28) stemms The duration of the stem of the stimulus word lexeme in milliseconds.
29) stemend The stem suffix of the stimulus word lexeme.
30) stmendms The duration of the stem suffix of the stimulus word lexeme in milliseconds.
31) rtmean The mean reaction time from stimuli onset (subject reaction time + stimulus duration) until the end of subject response.
32) srtmean Subject mean reaction time from offset (subject mean reaction time - stimulus duration).
33) letras The number of letters in the lexeme.
34) structur The vowel/constonant structure of the lexeme
  • V=vowel
• C=consonant
35) placeart Place of articulation:
  • open central unrounded
• mid front unrounded
• close front unrounded
• velar - articulated with the back of the tongue
• alveolar - articulated with the tongue against or close to the superior alveolar ridge.
• dental - articulated with the tongue against the upper teeth.
• labiodental - articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth.
• palatal - are consonants articulated with the body of the tongue raised against the hard palate (the middle part of the roof of the mouth).
36) manner The manner of articulation:
  • Plosives (also known as stops)
• Nasals
• Fricatives
• Liquids
• Vowels
37) voicing A sounds that is produced with vibration of the vocal cords.

* References: Linares, R. E., Rodriguez-Fornells, A. & H. Clahsen (2006). Stem allomorphy in the Spanish mental lexicon: evidence from behavioral and ERP experiments. Brain & Language 97: 110-120.