Browse tables - Action & Object

These are supplementary materials for the following article (please quote).

List of ALL tables:
(*mark tables that are available on this web site only)

Table 1:  Sources of Action and Object-Naming Stimuli
Table 2:  Descriptive Statistics of Dependent Variables
Table 3:  Characteristics of the Dominant Action and Object Names
               Produced in the Picture Naming Tasks

Table 4*: Pictures With Shared Dominant Names in Object and Action Naming
Table 5*: Levels of Conceptual Complexity and Associated Reaction Times
                for Object and Action Naming
Table 6a*:Descriptive Statistics of INDEPENDENT variables in the SHARED
                and NONSHARED Picture Names in Object and Action Naming
Table 6b*:Descriptive Statistics of DEPENDENT variables in the SHARED
                and NONSHARED Picture Names in Object and Action Naming
Table 7*:  Within Linear Correlation of Dependent Variables of All Responses,
                or Dominant Responses
Table 8*:  Within Linear Correlation of Independent Variables of the Dominant Responses
Table 9a*: Linear Correlation of Dependent and Independent Variables of OBJECT Naming
Table 9b*: Linear Correlation of Dependent and Independent Variables of ACTION Naming

Table 10:  Regression Analyses: Picture and Target Name Characteristics as
                Predictors of Reaction Time and Name Agreement
Table 11:  Regression Analyses on Naming Latencies for
                NONSHARED Object and Action Names
Table 12:  Regression Analyses Using Form Class (Noun-Verb Status) as a Predictor
Table 13:  Regression Analyses Using Name Agreement and Form Class
                (Noun-Verb Status) as Predictors of Naming Latencies