PDP Learnability and Innate Knowledge of Language

David Kirsh

Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD


It is sometimes argued that if PDP networks can be trained to
make correct judgements of grammaticality we have an existence proof
that there is enough information in the stimulus to permit learning
grammar by inductive means alone.  This seems inconsistent
superficially with Gold's theorem and at a deeper level with the fact
that networks are designed on the basis of assumptions about the
domain of the function to be learned.  To clarify the issue I consider
what we should learn from Gold's theorem, then go on to inquire into
what it means to say that knowledge is domain specific.  I first try
sharpening the intuitive notion of domain specific knowledge by
reviewing the alleged difference between processing limitatons due to
shartage of resources vs shortages of knowledge.  After rejecting
different formulations of this idea, I suggest that a model is
language specific if it transparently refer to entities and facts
about language as opposed to entities and facts of more general
mathematical domains.  This is a useful but not necessary condition.
I then suggest that a theory is domain specific if it belongs to a
model family which is attuned in a law-like way to domain
regularities.  This leads to a comparison of PDP and parameter setting
models of language learning.  I conclude with a novel version of the
poverty of stimulus argument.


It is widely assumed that PDP learnability has some bearing on
questions of innateness.  If a PDP network could be trained to
make correct judgements of grammaticality, for instance, it seems
to follow that innate knowledge of grammar is not necessary for
language acquisition.  The reason, quite simply, is that the
learning rules used in PDP learning -- whether backpropagation or
related gradient descent methods-- are general, domain
independent methods.  They are what AI theorists call weak
methods.  Hence in teaching a system to make correct judgements
we seem to have an existence proof that there is enough
information in the stimulus to permit learning by inductive means
alone.   It is this idea, and the methodological implications
that flow from believing it, that I wish to explore here.

The problem I have with this argument is that to discover a
network that will learn successfully designers must choose with
care the network's architecture, the initial values the weights
are set to, the learning rule, and the number of times the data
set is to be presented to the network -- this latter parameter
effects the smoothness of the estimated function.  If such
parameters are not controlled for, successful learning is
extremely improbable.  In thoughtful modelling, these parameters
are chosen on the basis of assumptions about the nature of the
function the system is to learn.  That is, on the basis of
assumptions about the task and the task domain.   Prima facie,
then, although the learning mechanism operating on data is a
general one, the success of this mechanism depends equally on a
set of antecedent choices that seem to be domain specific.

If these assumptions are genuinely domain specific we ought to
reject PDP learnability as proof of inductive learnability.
Learning can be viewed as a controlled process of moving from an
initial state of knowledge about a domain to a more advanced
state.    The hallmark of true inductive learnability is that the
initial state contains zero knowledge of the domain:  all domain
knowledge is acquired through learning.    To accept PDP
learnability as a sound non-innatist argument, then, requires
accepting that the assumptions made in designing PDP experiments
are not domain specific.

The idea that assumptions are either domain specific or domain
independent, and that the difference is not merely one of degree
or merely in the eye of the beholder -- plays an important role
in discussions of language learning.   It is Chomsky's belief, as
well as that of many generative linguists who distinguish
themselves from Chomsky, that children enter the language
learning context (footnote 1) with biological constraints on the kind of
grammars they will conjecture (learn).   It is not an accident of
particular social conditions that humans have the type of
languages they have, nor a consequence of more general
constraints on terrestrial communication.  Human languages are
the product of a specialized neuro-cognitive organ, whose
development to full functionality is much like the pre-natal
development to full functionality of the liver and kidneys, or
the post-natal development to full functionality of flying in
birds, a matter of powerful biological constraints.  Change and
improvement, though dependent on the environment, is strongly
predetermined.  The whole process is far more like a progressive
tuning -- the progressive specialization of a dedicated organ --
than an enriching process where a more general purpose organ,
largely non-specific, is converted by powerful learning and
development processes into a computational device able to
correctly assign meaning to linguistic structures.

The standard view of the PDP approach is that it represents the
more general cognitive approach in which general learning
mechanisms and general cognitive architectures -- ie non special
purpose networks -- do the learning.    Instead of interpreting
language learning to be a matter of specialization of an already
linguistic organ, it is more natural on the PDP model to
interpret it to be the product of a progressive construction of
intermediate properties which simplify the language learning
problem but which might apply to domains beyond language.
Networks often succeed because they build intermediate
representations -- representations of properties that simplify
the learning task.  If these intermediate properties or
representations are also found in networks learning in different
domains, we have a prima facie argument that network learning of
language refutes innatist views of language.
The argument must be called a prima facie argument because given
the importance of what appears to be domain specific assumptions
made in designing PDP experiments we may well question why we
should believe that PDP language learning studies are free of
domain specific constraints.

The popular reason is that the PDP design assumptions required
for studying language learning are no different, in principle,
from the PDP design assumptions made for studying learning in
other domains.  Presumably the same type of assumptions would
have to be made in designing a network to learn English grammar
as would have to be made if the network were to learn a function
in logic, auditory perception, or motor control.  They are
generic assumptions.   The networks are not gerrymandered or
handcrafted, and the learning rule, number of repetitions, and
diet are in some sense standard as well.   Even if language
learning requires bigger networks than those for bird song
learning, or furniture categorization, the networks are just
bigger versions of the same sort.   Thus, runs this argument, if
one day a network were in fact trained to judge English
grammaticality, on that day we would have strong evidence that
innate knowledge of language is not a prerequisite for language
acquisition.  PDP learnability of language would serve as an
existence proof that specific domain knowledge is not necessary
for language learning.

Now if this is a sound argument certain consequences follow that
are methodologically significant.  First, PDP learnability would
show that poverty of the stimulus arguments about a given domain
are false. The thrust of all such arguments is that certain
functions are not learnable because the available data do not
contain enough structure to determine the relevant function.
Accordingly, such functions are deemed unlearnable by inductive
methods alone:  additional domain specific knowledge is required.
This is the central argument generative grammarians have offered
in support of their belief that `the child must come to the
language learning task with inborn constraints about the possible
form of linguistic rules'(footnote 2) or `with a schema of some sort as to
what constitutes a possible natural language'.(footnote 3)

In overthrowing poverty of the stimulus arguments it is natural
to embrace a research strategy that looks for previously
unrecognized sources of linguistic information.  These new
sources of information may be located in the way examples are
ordered in the training set, in the distribution of examples
found in the set, in the frequency with which particular examples
occur, or in properties of the context of usage.   The
methodologically salient point is that whatever the source, this
extra information is available through experience.  There is more
structure present in the data confronting subjects than is
apparent a priori.   It is not surprising, then, that much PDP
natural language research is devoted to uncovering the learning
potential of novel sources of linguistic information. (footnote 4)

The second consequence of rejecting the need for innate knowledge
of a domain is that we may substitute experiments in learnability
for antecedent analysis of the domain -- at least in the first
stages of research.  Because a function may be learned by a PDP
system whether or not we already have a comprehensive theory of
the function it is not necessary to spend long hours in analysis
before we set our net to learn it.  One of the greatest
differences between PDP approaches to language learning and
innatist approaches is that innatists begin with a
characterization of adult grammar and work backward to figure out
how the child might arrive at this `steady state'
characterization.(footnote 5) PDP and other more purely empiricist
approaches work forward from the existing data about children's
linguistic behaviour to some characterization of adult language.
It is easy to imagine, therefore, that PDP theories of the
`steady state', if such a community wide state even exists in
their scheme, will be quite unlike theories of the steady state
put forward in the generative tradition.

Genuine success in this methodology would mark a strong victory
for bottom up research.  At present, the best articulated and
most widely admired method of cognitive research is the top down
approach of David Marr.  In this methodology formal specification
and mathematical analysis take place before computational
modelling.  The prime defence of this top down style of research
is an a priori argument: without antecedent analysis
computational modelling can be no better than blind wandering in
mechanism space.  A priori, the chance of striking on a plausible
biological design, one that might explain what we know of an
organism's behavioural capacities, is simply too small to warrant
attempting a search in design space undirected by prior formal
analysis of the task.   No general search techniques, no weak
methods, can succeed.   Against this negativism, the promise of
PDP research is that if it can deliver a few striking empirical
successes -- cases where a plausible design has been found by
using a general learning rule -- we have a good reason for being
optimistic that the search in mechanism space can be made
tractable.    The net effect might be to reset the agenda of a
large, currently intransigent group of cognitive scientists.

With such weighty consequences at stake it is worth exploring
carefully what PDP learnability may teach us about innate
knowledge.  My main concern in what follows is with the logic of
the argument : vis. that a display of PDP learnability
constitutes an existence proof of inductive learnability.    I
will use language acquisition as my focal domain because it is an
area so widely discussed.  But it is incidental to the main

It seems to me that the heart of the anti-innateness argument
requires a clear understanding of what the phrases domain
specific knowledge and domain independent knowledge mean.  PDP
learning is meant to be an example of domain independent learning
-- learning that proceeds without the help of additional domain
specific constraints or domain specific knowledge. If I am right
the concepts of domain specific and domain independent are too
ill understood to bare the weight of the innatist non-innatist
rhetoric normally associated with them.   Accordingly, I doubt
that the agenda of most cognitive scientists will be reset by a
few PDP success stories.

The paper is divided in three.  In part I, I reconsider some
arguments deriving from Gold's theorem purporting to show that
PDP learnability could not possibly disprove the need for innate
knowledge of language.   Gold showed that it is impossible to
learn a context-free (or more powerful) language purely on the
basis of data about grammatical sentences -- a form of data that
is usually called positive evidence.  The learner must have
access (at least tacitly) to additional information.  In
principle this information could come from many sources.  But
typically the theorem is used to justify the belief that the
relevant extra information is innate and is specifically about
the formal structure of language.  I believe this is a mistake.
But many innatists see Gold's theorem as a logical obstacle to
anti-innatism -- PDP inspired or otherwise.

In part II, I begin exploring in greater depth some of the hidden
complexities behind the notions of domain specific and domain
independent knowledge.  Part of the confusion enshrouding these
ideas can be traced to the equally problematic notions of problem
structure and task environment.  I discuss some problems with
these in Part III.

In 1967 Gold posed the problem of language learning in formal
terms.(footnote 6) The field of language acquisition has never been quite
the same since.  Gold asked the question: under what conditions
is it possible to learn the correct context free grammar of a
language given a set of training instances?  His most significant
result was that it is impossible to learn the correct language
from positive examples alone.  If a blind inductive program is
given an infinite sequence of positive examples the program
cannot determine a grammar for the correct context free language
in any finite time.   The data underdetermine the language.  If
learners are to induce correctly, they must have access (at least
tacitly) to additional information.

The simplest source of this information is an informant who can
tell the learner whether or not a given string is grammatical. By
using these extra negative examples the program can eliminate
grammars that are too general.   If `negative evidence' is
unavailable the language may still be learned but the additional
information must come from different sources.

Gold's result is thought to be relevant to human language
learning and therefore to PDP research into language learning
because there is a body of literature maintaining that negative
evidence is not available to children.(footnote 7) Parents do not
intentionally speak ungrammatically to their children, each time
pointing out that this is the way not to speak.  Nor, apparently
do they tell their children either directly or indirectly when
the child itself is speaking ungrammatically -- not in any
pervasive way.    They are more concerned, it seems, with the
truth or appropriateness of utterances than with grammaticality
per se. But then because there is no substantial negative
evidence to stop the child from choosing a grammar that generates
a superset of the sentences in its mother tongue, children ought
to overgeneralize wildly.  They ought to be disposed to believe
the grammaticality of sentences outside their language.  For
without additional constraints on what their mother grammar is
like, children have no reason to reject sentences consistent with
everything they've heard but which nonetheless lie outside their
language.   The psychological implication of the theorem, then,
is that because children either do not overgeneralize wildly, or
are able to recover from overgeneralization, they must have
access to additional information about their language that has
nothing to do with negative information.

Gold's theorem has often been taken as supporting innatists in
their belief that the extra information about language must be
inborn. (footnote 8) Part of this belief is justified on the grounds that
linguistic knowledge is so specific; linguistic properties seem
to resemble little else.   Thus when Chomsky suggests that there
are biological constraints on the kind of grammars children will
conjecture he has in mind constraints on the sort of basic
entities or categories -- the parts of speech -- children will
consider trying out in rules of grammar.   There may be analogues
of such sub-recursive structures in other cognitive domains, but
it is not obvious where.  And when it comes to constraints on the
way those entities or categories can be combined, transformed or
removed, it is even less clear that there are other cognitive
domains (universally learnable) which have as much structure.

To take a simple example, a child is assumed to be able to detect
at an early age that its linguistic community is using
subject-verb-object word order.  The abstract categories of
subject, object and verb are not inferred from observed
regularities, it is said, they are innate.  More precisely, the
child is innately predisposed, at a certain stage of maturity, to
represent linguistic data in structural fashion.   This quite
naturally simplifies the learning problem, for it allows that the
input which serves as data for learning language comes in a
preprocessed form.   Language acquisition starts only after these
abstract categories are represented by the child.    They are
called abstract because `their boundaries and labeling are not in
general physically marked in any way; rather, they are mental
constructions.' (footnote 9)

According to innatist doctrine language acquisition is further
simplified by additional constraints that come into play when
triggered by certain discoveries.  Thus, once a child notes its
language has S-V-O structure a set of triggers are fired -- or
parameters set -- concerning related assumptions, such as that
the language is not inflected.

Now because of all these constraints (footnote 10) on how children conjecture
grammars the class of learnable grammars is an immensely reduced
subset of context free grammars plus transformations.   Only
certain grammars are possible starting places because only
certain grammars will satisfy the framework of rules and
principles, and because of additional constraints only certain
grammars are accessible at any point.  Universal grammar,
therefore, constrains the possible trajectories of learning as
well as the space of learnable grammars.

Needless to say one of the most unpalatable aspects of the strong
innatist position is the very specificity of the framework of
rules and principles.   In order to combat this view and to show
that stable grammars are learnable without such specific
assumptions about the nature of linguistic structures and
representations, PDP oriented linguists have sought new sources
of empirical information about language.

>From a PDP perspective where might this extra information come
from?  Two empirical sources are obvious candidates: observable
facts about the communicative context, and spoonfeeding the child
a special diet of sentences to learn from.  Let us briefly
consider each in turn.

The first conjecture is the most obvious:  in early phases of
language learning parents tie many of their utterances to visible
circumstances.     If a child were to assume that what it hears
at first relates to the structure of the visual scene in front of
it, then it has extra information about the content of the

No one of any linguistic persuasion, to my knowledge, has
seriously denied that the context of utterance supplies valuable
information to learners of a language.   Ostension is an integral
part of language learning.   The mystery which all admit is to
explain how the structuring process in visual understanding, or
auditory understanding,(footnote 11) might effect the structuring process in
language understanding, Indeed how are the two related at an
abstract level?

One suggestion by Langacker (footnote 12) is that the child has structural
schemata to help it parse visual scenes into comprehensible
structures.  If the structure of visual scenes is somehow
mirrored at some level in the structure of the linguistic
representations of those same scenes, then the child has specific
information about linguistic structures that goes beyond positive
examples, for it has pairings of , or, at any
rate, additional information about the meaning of certain

As attractive as this suggestion is, at this stage, convincing
neuropsychological details of the alleged linkage between scene
parsing and linguistic parsing are absent.    We suspect that
visual scene parsing might be related to either syntactic or
semantic structure because we currently believe that almost 50%
of the brain is devoted to visual processing; that somehow vision
and speech are linked since we can say what we see; and that
lesions to the visual cortex can have surprising effects on
speech abilities. (footnote 13) But we have no detailed accounts of how a
child might use information about visual context to bootstrap its
way to a rough grasp of syntax for even directly referential
sentences.    Moreover, assuming such accounts are one day
provided, they still will not serve as proof that context plus
positive instances suffice for language learning unless two other
conditions are proven: 1) that a child can recognize and treat as
special the communicative context without having to be taught
that fact using language; and 2) that no information beyond
knowledge of context is required to overcome the insufficiency of
positive information alone.

In the absence of a formal proof of 2) a PDP demonstration of
language learning on the basis of context and positive examples
would only be suggestive in establishing their sufficiency for
some languages, and some data sets.   Aside from the need to
undertake enough mathematical analysis to generalize the result
to many languages and many naturally occurring data sets , there
remains our initial concern that PDP learnability is not itself
an existence proof of inductive learnability because so much
information is potentially hidden in the design of the PDP
experiments.   PDP learnability cannot establish that no language
specific knowledge is required for language learning until its
own design assumptions have been shown to be language

The case is no better with the second possible source of extra
information -- distributional properties of positive examples,
and/or the frequency with which they are repeated.   If sentences
are presented in a controlled manner, simple sentences being
presented before harder ones, with the choice of the next
sentence to be presented determined by a teacher aiming to push
the student on to the best next grammar, might it not be possible
to converge on an acceptable grammar?

Perhaps spoonfeeding will work.   We already know that for
context free grammars a careful diet of positive examples can
guarantee convergence on the correct grammar.  For it has been
proven that for stochastic context free grammars:

	if the training instances are presented to the
	program repeatedly, with the frequency proportional
 	to their probability of being in the language ... 
	the program can estimate the probability of a given
	string by measuring its frequency of occurrence in 
	the finite sample.  In the limit, [this method of]
	stochastic presentation gives as much information 
	as informant presentation of positive and negative
 	examples: Ungrammatical strings have zero 
	probability, and grammatical strings have positive 
	probability. (footnote 14)

To date, however, this proof has not been generalized to harder
than context free grammars. Eg. context sensitive,or unrestricted
rewriting grammars.

When formal proof is absent empirical success is informative.  A
PDP network which learns a natural language when trained on a
careful diet of positive examples, will, not surprisingly, be
received with considerable interest.  But as with claims about
structure from context, experimental demonstration of language
learning can at best establish the possibility of learning
certain languages in certain circumstances.  It is an existence
proof that there are languages and data sets that can be learned
by PDP networks.  The trick is to show that this result
generalizes to all naturally learnable languages (or that the
conditions of learning English, or French are isomorphic to the
structured data sets used in successful simulations); and that
the assumptions built into the design and learning rule of the
successful PDP system are domain independent.   In short, it is
necessary to show that PDP experiments in language learning do
not presuppose the very assumption they wish to test: that
specific knowledge of language is necessary for learning.

It is time now to turn directly to the question of what domain
specificity means.


In AI the notion of domain specific knowledge became familiar
with the development of expert systems where an explicit
distinction was drawn between the general principles of reasoning
built into an inference engine, and the collection of problem
specific facts, goals and procedures that serve as input to the
inference engine.  In the simplest case, the inference engine is
simply a box for deriving deductive conclusions. Domain knowledge
might include premisses such as that all people are mortal, and
that Socrates is a person. The output would be the conclusion
that Socrates is mortal.    In slightly more complex cases,
domain knowledge might include premisses plus control knowledge
to reduce the search of the logic engine.   For given a set of
axioms as input, it may take an enormous amount of undirected
search of theorem space to locate the sought for conclusion.  In
still more complex cases, the inference engine itself might be
made more powerful, capable of drawing inductive or even
abductive inferences.  In this last case, the engine conjectures
hypotheses to explain the input data.  Language learning as
portrayed in the parameter setting model can be interpreted in
this light if we take as the data to be explained sentences about
a language, and add to that data additional inputs concerning the
type and range of plausible conjectures, and interparameter
constraints.  See figure 1.

The AI distinction between domain specific and domain independent
is not a rigorous one.  The intuition appealed to is that a piece
of information is domain specific if it is not useful or
applicable in many different domains or many different types of
problems.   General strategies for deduction, induction, and
abduction, then, as well as general strategies for search,
sorting, classifying, normally fall on the domain independent
side.   On the domain dependent side we expect to find
specialized search control knowledge, metrics on goodness etc,
and factual data about the domain entities and their relations.

Let us see if this intuitive idea can be tightened up.


To begin, consider why we normally suppose there is a difference
between general computational or cognitive resources and domain

Chomsky has long drawn a distinction between linguistic
competence -- the system of knowledge an agent has about the
grammar of its language -- and linguistic performance -- the
system of linguistic behaviours an agent displays.   According to
the doctrine linguistic performance inevitably falls short of
displaying a speaker's full competence because real agents have
limited memory, calculating speed, and awareness, in short,
limited general cognitive capacities.  It is these resource
limitations, not knowledge, which explains why we find people
revealing deficits in comprehending sentences with embedded
clauses and the like.  Central to the competence performance
distinction, then, is the idea that these deficits are general,
and have nothing to do with linguistic domains in particular.
Computations have costs, and these invariably become reflected in
performance.  Let us look at this difference between
computational resource and domain knowledge more closely.

Classically, computational resources are the primary quantitative
features of a computation.   The amount of short and long term
memory used, or the number of steps required to calculate an
answer, are standard resource attributes of computations.  They
are measurable aspects of a process.

Knowledge, by contrast, is a qualitative feature (footnote 15) of both a
computational process and a computational system.  In setting up
a system to perform a given computation, knowledge of the
algorithm driving the computation must be installed.   If this
algorithm is correct the system can be interpreted as containing
knowledge of this procedure as well as knowledge of certain
aspects of the problem domain it was designed to work on.  This
latter knowledge need not be explicitly represented anywhere in
the system, and indeed is usually thought to be implicit
knowledge of facts about the domain that are responsible for the
algorithm's success.  Knowledge of the algorithm and its success
conditions tend to remain constant throughout a computation.  But
most of the remaining knowledge in the system is explicit and
tends to change moment by moment as the computation unfolds.
Thus, at the outset of a problem, a system may have explicit
knowledge of the input of the particular problem instance it is
to solve.  For example, it may know explicitly that its current
problem is to derive the cube root of 125.   At the close of the
computation it explicitly knows that the answer is 5.(footnote 16) The
trajectory of explicit knowledge states in between is a function
of both resources and algorithm.
Owing to the difference in nature between resources and knowledge
it is usually possible to distinguish limitations in processing
capacity due to a shortage of resources from limitations due to
shortages of knowledge.  Shortages of resources, unlike shortages
of knowledge, typically show up as a system tackles problem
instances of larger size.  For instance, a system endowed with
the right (algorithmic) knowledge to calculate cube roots, should
be able to compute the correct answer for any sized cube.  But of
course, as the size of the input number grows, there inevitably
comes a point where either more memory is required, or more time
is needed than is available.   The knowledge sufficient to
compute these larger numbers has not changed; so there is no need
to add additional knowledge, although this would help.  The
problem, rather, is that the system ran out of resources.

Shortages of knowledge, unlike shortages of resources, typically
show up even on the smallest problems.  A system that does not
know how to calculate cube roots is no more likely to hit on the
correct answer for a small number than a large number.  Its
success is random with respect to number size.   Furthermore, the
addition of knowledge, unlike the addition of resources, need not
improve performance in linear or even monotonic fashion.  A
system missing just one crucial piece of knowledge may perform no
better than a system missing several pieces.  Characteristically,
additions to memory or computing time monotonically increase

The upshot is that change in resources, seem to have domain
independent effects -- either increasing or decreasing
performance across domains -- while change in knowledge seems to
have domain specific effects -- either increasing or decreasing
performance on specific problems.   This correlation becomes even
more robust when we consider how a system might compensate for a
loss of knowledge as compared with how it might compensate for a
loss of general memory or allotted time.   A reduction in memory
or processing time can be accommodated on any specific problem
simply by adding more assumptions -- knowledge -- about that
problem's solution.  As more information is made explicit about
the answer set, less computation is required.  This follows
because at bottom computation is nothing more than the process of
making explicit information available in an implicit form in a
complete specification of the problem.   For any particular
problem, then, knowledge can compensate for resource loss.    But
no amount of additional computational power can make up for a
knowledge poor system.    If there is not enough information in a
complete specification of a problem to determine an answer set,
the problem is ill posed, and no amount of cleverness in search,
or of brute computation can compensate.  The answer is not
implicit in the problem.  Hence resources cannot compensate for
lack of domain knowledge.

Domain knowledge, on this account, is primarily about the problem
to be solved:  the kinds of entities that can serve as answers to
problems, their range of values, and facts about the particular
problem instance.  This knowledge is necessary if the system is
to have a clear idea of the problem.   Successful systems will
have additional knowledge about potentially useful algorithms and
possibly why they succeed.    If the knowledge in this
algorithmic component is heuristic, it concerns methods, hints
and ideas that can reduce search.  In principle it is not
essential and its loss can be compensated for simply by
generating more possible answers and testing them for
correctness.   To do this requires knowledge of what can serve as
a candidate answer and the conditions a correct answer must
satisfy.  That is, essential knowledge of the problem.
Accordingly, it would be more precise to say that resources
cannot compensate for non-heuristic knowledge loss.

We now can operationalize at least part of the intuitive notion
of domain specific knowledge as follows:

	A bit of knowledge is domain specific if 
	its loss would have an irremediable effect 
	on task performance.  No amount of additional
	memory or time is able to bring performance 
	back to its prior level.

Because this definition does not cover heuristic knowledge, which
is widely understood to be knowledge of domain regularities
necessary for converting weak methods to strong methods, I shall
call it essential domain knowledge.

On the assumption that this operational definition captures one
important aspect of our intuitive idea of domain specificity let
us try applying it to the assumptions built into PDP experiments.

Recall the nature of the PDP design problem.  Working from a more
or less careful account of a problem -- eg. learn phrase
structure grammar from a given set of positive examples -- the
PDP designer must choose an appropriate network type, topology,
number of hidden units, momentum factor, ordering of the data,
number of trials and so forth, that he believes will succeed.
To inform his choices he will make certain assumptions about the
order, smoothness, regions of greatest interest etc. of the
function the network is to learn (henceforth, the target function

How are these assumptions embodied in PDP systems?  The order of
the target function correlates with the number of hidden units,
that is, space; the smoothness of the function correlates with
the number of times the data set is trained on (footnote 17) , that is, the
time the leaning rule is to be run; the regions of greatest
interest correlate with the distribution of samples in the data
set, that is, with factors external to the computation, and the
choice of net type -- feedforward, Boltzman, fully recurrent ,
etc. -- correlate with the type of function (associative,
predictive), that is, with the structure of the network itself.
In short, at least two of the assumptions built into PDP
experiments -- assumptions of the order and smoothness of the
target -- which on the surface appear to be domain specific, fail
to be so according to our operational definition of essential
domain specificity because there is a correlation between
resource and knowledge.

What then are we to say about the status of these assumptions?
If it is true that in PDP systems one of the ways to embody
knowledge about the target function is by altering the resources
available for computation, for instance, by adding (memory)
units, or by adding to training time, we seem obliged to regard
much of the design knowledge built into networks to be domain

Admittedly, there remains the possibility that this knowledge is
heuristic knowledge; it is not essential domain knowledge, but
nonetheless domain specific.  But I doubt that this can be
correct.    First, if choice of number of hidden units were
important for efficiency only, and networks with the wrong number
of units were capable of learning, only less likely to do so on
any given learning attempt, then it ought to be possible in
principle to learn arbitrary functions even in networks with few
units.  But we know from Minsky and Papert's analysis of
perceptrons (footnote 18) that this is false.  Second, if the choice of the
number of learning trials were merely of heuristic value, it
ought to be possible to learn functions of arbitrary smoothness.
Yet as is well known, the smoothness of a function cannot be
estimated reliably from noisy data.  It is a desideratum which
must be set.   But then number of learning trials, like number of
hidden units, is not merely heuristic knowledge, it is essential
knowledge, for it effects the very way we understand the problem.

Should we reject our operational definition of essential domain
knowledge, or should we reject the idea I have been tacitly
assuming all along, that choice of hidden units and trial
repetitions is domain dependent, that is, domain specific
knowledge?   My inclination is to drop the definition.  In fields
like econometrics where statistical estimation of target
functions is the stuff of life, the shape of the target (eg.
y=ax3 + bx2 + cx + d or yt = ayt - 1 + b ) drawn from the theory
of economics.  The econometrician `relies heavily on a priori
knowledge [drawn from] economic theory'.  (footnote 19) These assumptions
are not merely heuristic; they are necessary to an adequate
specification of the estimation problem.   But then are they not
as domain specific as assumptions can be?  If domain specific
knowledge is necessary for statistical estimation of functions in
econometrics, why would it not also be necessary for PDP
modelling of cognitive capacities, which is also interpreted as a
mechanism for estimating functions?

Let us try another tack at making more precise the intuitive
notion of domain specific knowledge.


Why do the assumptions made in the language learning models of
generative linguistics seem to be domain specific?   One easy
answer is that those assumptions transparently refer to entities,
facts and regularities of languages.

Parameter setting models are based on the theory of UG (universal
grammar) which adverts to structural descriptions of sentences,
to constraints on transformations between those essentially
linguistic structures, and to entities or notions such as bound
anaphor which are undefined outside of language studies.
Parameter setting models are transparently about language because
the concepts mentioned in these language learning models cannot
be readily divorced from language.  One could define a set of
mathematical structures that are isomorphic to the structures
discussed in generative linguistics. And so convert linguistics
into a branch of mathematics that now is about formal structures
rather than human languages. But these formal structures are not
motivated by extra-linguistic considerations.  They are solely
motivated by the study of language.  Thus it is not an accident
that there is an independent mathematical theory of tree
structures, but not of phrase structures, or bound anaphors.
These last are too idiosyncratic.  See figure 2.

It is worth putting this argument in simpler terms.  What makes a
set of assumptions specific to a domain is that those assumptions
are about entities and structures that are special to that
domain.  They are not general mathematical entities, such as
functions or graphs, which have general application to many
fields.   They are highly specific and idiosyncratic -- so
idiosyncratic that the only natural way of talking about those
entities and structures is in the terms developed in the
empirical domain they belong to.  Non-generality of structure
naturally leads to transparency of discourse.

	Knowledge is domain specific if it transparently 
	refers to entities and facts that are not general
 	or generic, but rather specialized and idiosyncratic 
	to the domain in question.

On this account PDP based theories of language learning, based as
they are on assumptions about the form, style and size of
networks needed to instantiate certain linguistic functions, the
learning rule, the kind and distribution of data it will be
trained on, and the number of times the data will be sent
through, mention nothing that is transparently about language.
Virtually the same assumptions could apply, for all we know, to
auditory processing, linguistic processing or visual processing;
and the very same network and learning rule if fed different data
could be used to learn other functions.  So prima facie language
learning networks do not contain knowledge about the linguistic
domain per se; they contain knowledge about the formal properties
of certain functions.   Hence PDP learning models contain no
domain specific knowledge.

As reasonable as this argument may seem there is at least one
good reason for not accepting it: descriptions do not have to
appear to be about the objects they refer to to actually refer to
them.   Transparency of reference cannot be necessary for domain

The argument for non-transparency is familiar in philosophical
circles. Descriptions may be referentially opaque.  It is
possible to refer to the actions of a pocket calculator as the
manipulation of numbers rather than the manipulation of numerals
or electric currents, and to the field of physics as whatever
physicists study.   The common feature of these descriptions is
that they refer indirectly.  They seem to be about one thing --
numerals, electric current, the actions of physicists -- but in
fact refer to entities that are more directly designated by other
expressions -- numbers, quarks and force fields.

But then we can grant that transparency can serve as a sufficient
condition for knowledge being specifically about a domain, yet
deny that it is a necessary condition.  It is entirely natural
that descriptions of networks and data sets appear to be about
networks and data sets, and that the assumptions going into the
choice of an architecture seem to be about the order and shape of
the target function, yet they nonetheless refer to assumptions
about linguistic properties and structures.    Transparency is
not necessary.


Perhaps the strongest reason for considering parameter setting
models of language acquisition to be so clearly about language
specific entities and facts is that every accessible parameter
setting in one of these theories defines a possible language -- a
possible human grammar.  Parametric space somehow mirrors
linguistic space.  The intuition here is that the parametric
framework is perfectly tuned to the structure of human language.
(footnote 20) This means that the assumptions that are built into a
parametric model are not just about English or French or a few
other natural languages -- ie. particular examples of the
language learning task.  They are about any language that a human
now or in the future could speak -- any example of the task.  All
and only possible human languages are definable as vectors in
parameter space.   No non-human languages are describable. See
figure 3.  Thus what makes parameter setting models seem to be
about human language rather than, say, about some formal game, is
that they are tuned to the possible, not merely the actual.   The
formalism of parametric theories is (supposed to be) perfectly
adapted to language.  It is related in a lawlike way to language
because it captures what is essential to language -- the
constraints on possibility. See Figure 3.

The idea here is that the way to decide whether a system has
knowledge about a given domain and not about some other domain is
to consider the counterfactual implications of the assumptions it
embodies.  There is a familiar precedent for this.  The normal
way of deciding whether a person has a particular concept -- say
the concept of cup -- is to see if he or she calls all cups cups
and then to see if s/he is disposed to go on to use cup in the
right way in the future.  Shown cup-like objects they have never
before seen they must classify them the way people who we agree
understand the term would also classify them. That is, we assume
they have the right counterfactual dispositions.  It is this
counterfactual ability that is thought to distinguish
coincidental connection from lawlike connection.    It locks the
concept to its referent.

We can state this condition on domain specificity as follows:

	Knowledge is specific to a domain if it is connected 
	in a lawlike way to the possible entities and structures 
	of that domain.

Although we cannot use this as an operational definition of
domain specific knowledge unless we can decide when the elements
of knowledge are connected to entities in a lawlike way, we can
still put to use the idea that assumptions built into a
computational system are domain specific, or task specific, when
they are exactly tuned to the properties of the task.

For instance we can ask what conditions would a network have to
satisfy to be counterfactually attuned to language in just the
way parameter setting models are.   If we were to discover that
successful language learning networks satisfy these conditions,
then we would have reason to suspect that the assumptions that go
into their design are equal in size and specificity to those
built into parameter setting models.  If we think the one has
domain knowledge built into it, we ought to believe the other has
it too.

Here then are the conditions on a networkese version of a
parameter setting model.

	1) There is a well defined family of networks N0 -- 
	the class of networks pre-tuned to the structure of 
	human languages -- that have the appropriate design 
	to learn any human language when subjected to the same 
	type of linguistic data as human children.

	2) The trajectory of grammars (system of linguistic 
	behaviours) these networks would describe as they 
	converge on the steady state grammar mirrors that 
	of human children.  That is, when learning human 
	languages, these networks are constrained to pass
	through phases or stages of behaviour that duplicate 
	those which children pass through.  Only certain 
	grammars can be tried out in the course of learning.
 	The learning rule, therefore, must be such that when
	coupled with the data set it issues in `stable
	points' -- regions of current best estimate of the 
	best function fitting the data -- that mimic allowable 
	vector trajectories in parameter space.  Each of 
	these stable points represents one of the possible 
	grammars the child is trying out.  It is a grammar
	of a possible natural language.

If the choice of architecture, learning rule, diet, number of
epoques and the rest are as constraining to network and network
trajectory as 1) and 2) I cannot see how anyone can deny that
network models of language contain domain specific information,
and that N0 , in particular, has as much information about
language as a parameter setting model.   That would settle the
question once and for all whether PDP networks have domain
specific knowledge in them.

Once more, however, the matter is not so easily resolved. There
is at least one good reason for supposing that the assumptions
that go into choice of architecture, etc., are not in fact this
constraining.   Gradient descent methods, such as backprop, are
too sensitive to initial settings of the weight vector to expect
all paths leading to stable grammars to be similar.  The same
network starting from slightly different intializations could
describe substantially different trajectories.   The same is true
if we are comparing the trajectory of different networks in N0:
each will have its own idiosyncratic path from initial to final
state.    Moreover, gradient descent methods are weak methods;
there is no provision for extra control information (footnote 21) of the sort
that would overrule choice of the steepest descent.   As a
result, there is nothing to prevent networks from trying out
weight vectors that have no counterpart in parameter space.
They are not prohibited from temporarily settling on intermediate
representations and sub functions in their inductive search for
the steady state grammar just because those representations or
sub functions are not linguistically `natural'.  From the
network's vantage nothing is linguistically natural or unnatural.
The learning rule is domain independent.

Here again is an argument for less innate domain knowledge.   But
note, it cannot be an argument for no domain knowledge.  For in
the phrase `counterpart in parameter space' we are making tacit
reference to an interpretation function that maps vectors in
weight space to expressions in another more linguistically
transparent formalism.    If we could agree on such a formalism
we could apply it to the initial conditions of the entire family
of successful PDP language learning networks and look for
invariants.   Accordingly, in my opinion, the interesting
question PDP studies of language learning raise is not how much
of language is innate, but what about language is innate.

To solve this will require agreeing on an interpretation function
for language learning networks. One major source of dispute among
PDP oriented linguists and generative linguists is over what the
appropriate linguistically transparent formalism should be.   It
is fairly clear that some such formalism is necessary.  For if
there were not some way of interpreting the linguistic
information in networks there would be no way of knowing whether
two networks converge on the same grammar or different grammars.
Similarly there would be no way of knowing if there were any
interesting linguistic information present in the starting state
of all successful networks.  It would not even be possible to
derive linguistic generalizations from studying families of
successful networks.  So settling on an interpretation function
is essential to PDP linguistic studies.   But it also throws us
right back to the question of what constitutes the domain of
language -- a question which some see as the defining question of
the empirical field of linguistics.


I have been considering some of the problems undermining efforts
to use PDP simulations of language learning as existence proofs
that innate knowledge of language is not necessary for language
learning.   Virtually all parties to the dispute agree that some
knowledge or some learning strategies must be innate but there
has been widespread disagreement over how domain specific that
innate knowledge must be.

I tried to elucidate the notion of domain specificity by
appealing to reasonable intuitions we have.   We think that there
is a genuine difference between cognitive limitations brought on
by scarce cognitive resources and cognitive limitations due to
insufficient knowledge.  A difference, moreover, that might
clarify the meaning of domain specific.  But when applied to PDP
style architectures this distinction proved parochial.

I then tried linking domain specificity to referential
transparency:  an assumption is about a specific domain if the
entities and structures it refers to are idiosyncratic -- highly
specialized.  The more specific the entities the fewer the
domains those entities could belong to.  Assumptions about those
entities, therefore, would have to be about the specific domain
they belong to.   This intuition I granted could serve as a
sufficient condition for domain specific knowledge, but it was
too exclusive to be a necessary condition.   PDP systems might be
built on more generic assumptions about functions, and so forth,
and yet incorporate domain specific knowledge.

This led me to my final intuition that an assumption that is
built into a system carries information specific to a domain if
it is connected to entities in that domain in a law-like manner.
This has the virtue that some assumptions can be about
non-idiosyncratic entities.  But it left us grasping for a way of
translating the assumptions built into a computational system
into a transparent formalism.    I argued that because networks
are not transparently about language we must have an
interpretation function to map PDP design assumptions into
expressions in another more linguistically transparent formalism.
Else we could not determine what entities particular system
assumptions corresponded to.  The very question of linguistics,
however, is what should this formalism be.  It is the hope of PDP
linguists that the way to discover this formalism is by extensive
PDP modelling.    It is too early to say how successful this
approach will be.  One thing we can be certain of, though,
whatever theory is eventually preferred it will show that there
is substantial information about language in the initial states
of language learning networks.  What I hope I have established is
that this is not in itself an interesting question.  The real
question is what is this innate knowledge of language.

I want to close now with an argument that should chasten anyone
who believes that vanilla domain assumptions will suffice for PDP
learnability of language, and that the vaunted power of PDP
systems to learn intermediate representations can do away with
all but the most rudimentary assumptions about language.   In my
opinion it is more likely that substantial innate knowledge of
language -- in particular, knowledge of the constraints on
intermediate representations -- will have to be built into PDP
language learning systems, although as yet we have no settled
idea what this innate knowledge will look like and how it will
play itself out in the design of networks complex enough to learn
natural languages.


In any multi-layered PDP system part of the job of intermediate
layers is to convert input into a suitable set of intermediate
representations to simplify the problem enough to make it
solvable.   One reason PDP modelling is popular is because nets
are supposed to learn intermediate representations.  They do this
by becoming attuned to regularities in the input.

What if the regularities they need to be attuned to are not in
the input?   Or rather, what if so little of a regularity is
present in the data that for all intents and purposes it would be
totally serendipitous to strike upon it?   It seems to me that
such a demonstration would constitute a form of the poverty of
stimulus argument.

The example I wish to discuss is illustrative only.  I have no
reason to suppose that it is especially analogous to the problem
of language learning.  But it is consistent with the theoretical
nature of much of generative linguistics.

Consider, then, the problem of representation posed by the
mutilated checkerboard.  See figure 4.   The problem is a
straightforward tiling question:  can dominoes 1 by 2 in size, be
placed so as to completely cover an 8 by 8 surface with 1 by 1
regions missing from position (1 8) and (8 1).

To solve tiling problems in general requires substantial search.
But as is well known, we are able to quickly solve this
particular problem by treating the surface as a square
checkerboard missing the opposite ends of a diagonal.  We can
then exploit the familiar property that all tiles along a
diagonal of an n by n checkerboard will be the same colour.
Clipping the ends off a diagonal will therefore reduce the number
of, say, black squares by 2 while leaving the number of white
squares constant.  Because each domino covers exactly one black
and one white square there can be no pattern of tiling to
completely cover diagonally mutilated boards. See Figure 4.

There are several ways we might interpret this patterned
Euclidean space but the one I prefer treats checkering as akin to
a geometric construction.  A legitimate geometric construction
never violates the rules of geometry.  It adds additional
structures which if well chosen alter the original problem
situation by making explicit properties and constraints that were
otherwise implicit.  When such properties are felicitous they
make discovery of the target property easier.

In checkering a board we are adding a structure to the bare
statement of the tiling problem.  This structure is not in the
input, so it is not inductively inferable.   It is a legitimate
addition because the way a given space will checker, and the set
of properties that follow from checkering it, is determined by
the axioms of the space.   But there are also an indefinite
number of structures consistent with Euclidean geometry which we
are not considering, because they are irrelevant to solving the
current problem.   Choosing the right structure to add requires
insight.  Accordingly, we ought to view checkering to be a hint,
or better, a facilitating property, that lets us discover
properties of Euclidean surfaces that would otherwise be hidden.

What if the discovery of grammar requires the same felicitous
addition of structure to the data of discourse?    If such
structure is consistent with the data but not inductively
derivable from it then inductive engines, such as PDP systems,
might yet discover grammar by other more lengthy methods, but
miss the quick discovery that comes from operating with the right
hint.   This is the spirit in which I interpret Chomsky's
arguments about the necessity of recoding the input of speech in
structured form.

Now prima facie there is no reason PDP networks cannot be
designed to bias recoding input in ways which lend themselves to
discovery of the best intermediate representations.   But to do
so requires substantial prior analysis of the linguistic domain.
The translation to networkese may be as natural as constructing a
net in phases, with the global language learning problem broken
down into tractable subproblems, each assigned to separate nets
to learn.  Or again, perhaps the solution will involve creating
low bandwidth linkages between appropriately designed subnets.
If either of these cases are close to the mark, PDP theorists
will have to enter the design phase with a tremendous amount of
domain specific information.  For now we are not just concerned
with the order of a function but with its internal structure too.
That is, we have decomposed the function into a set of composable
parts -- each with its own order etc -- and we have chosen a way
for the parts to interact.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This essay arose out of reflections on the
Interdisciplinary graduate seminar in Cognitive Science at UCSD
on Language Acquisition.   Special thanks to Farrell Ackerman,
Marta Kutas, Marty Sereno, David Shanks, and Mark St John for
helpful conversations on the topic, and to Liz Bates for animus.
Funding for this research came from NSF grant DIR89-11462.

1 Strictly speaking the language learning context is entered only
after having solved the bootstrapping problem See Pinker, S.
1987.  The bootstrapping problem in language acquisition.  In B.
MacWhinney, ed.  Mechanisms of Language Acquisition.  Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlbaum.

2 Pinker, S. 1989.  Language Acquisition.  In M. Posner, ed.
Foundations of Cognitive Science.  Cambridge, MA:  MIT Press.  
p 370.

3 Wexler K. and P. Cullicover.  Formal Principles of Language
Acquisition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  p 4.

4 See Elman J. 1991.  Incremental Learning, or the Importance of
Starting Small, Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of the Cognitive 
Science Society, 1991 Erlbaum, pp443-448, for an example of PDP 
research dedicated to uncovering new sources of linguistic
information.   Elman suggests that children may succeed in 
simplifying their linguistic problem by searching, at first, for 
grammaticality in restricted word sequences.  This restriction is 
meant to correspond to the child's limited attention span which 
prevents retention of more than a few words of a sentence at a time.   
As a child's memory and attention grows it is able to bootstrap to 
more realistic grammars.

5 Chomsky put the matter this way.  
	. . . we begin by determining certain properties of the 
	attained linguistic competence, the attained steady state 
	Ss.  We ask how these properties develop on the basis of 
	an interplay of experience and genetic endowment.  

Chomsky, N, `On Cognitive Structures and their Development, A
reply to Jean Piaget', in M.  Piatelli-Palmerini, ed.  Language
Learning: A debate between Noam Chomsky and Jean Piaget.
Cambridge MA:  Harvard p 48.

6 Gold, E. 1967.  Language identification in the limit.
Information and Control 10:447-474.   Gold's theorem can be
established only if we are explicit about:
	1.  the space of possible languages, and the one which is
	the target;
	2.  the type, order and frequency of information
	available to the learner which is relevant to determining
	the correct language;
	3.  the learning strategy that tells the learner how to
	create and change its hypothesis about the target on the
	basis of data from the environment; and
	4.  a success criterion for deciding if the learner has
	conjectured the target.

Needless to say when any one of these assumptions are made
specific they may not resemble the true situation facing natural
language learners.

7.   The mich cited original work in this area is Brown R., and
C.Hanlon 1970.  Derivational complexity and the order of
acquisition in child speech.  In J. R. Hayes, ed.  Cognition and
the Development of Language.  New York: Wiley.

8.  It is worth noting that Chomsky himself does not appeal
uniquely to Gold's theorem.  I have argued that we can, under an
appropriate idealization, think of the language learner as being
supplied with a sample of well-formed sentences and (perhaps) a
sample of ill-formed sentences -- namely, corrections of the
learner's mistakes.  No doubt much more information is available,
and may be necessary for language learning, although little is
known about this matter. [Chomsky `Discussion of Putnam's
Comments' in op cit Piatelli-Palmerini p 312.]

9.  Chomsky `On Cognitive Structures and Their Development: A reply
to Jean Piaget' in op cit Piattelli-Palmerini, p 39

10. The Specified Subject Condition -- SSC -- is a more complex
example which shows the type of innate constraints Chomsky has in
mind that might operate on transformations.  The SSC asserts
roughly that no rule can apply to X and Y in structures of the
form ...X... [...Y...]...  where X and Y are noun phrases and
[...Y...] is an embedded sentence or noun phrase, if the embedded
phrase contains a subject distinct from Y.     Under normal
conditions the pairs each of the men ... the others and the men
... each other are interchangeable without substantial change of
meaning.   For example,

	(1) Each of the men likes the other.  	
	(2) The men like each other.

But in some contexts this not true.   Sentence (3) ought to
transform to (4).  But (4) is neither

 	(3) Each of the men expects [John to like the others].  
	(4) The men expect [John to like each other].

synonymous with (3) or even a well-formed sentence of English.
The reason the transformation is blocked is that the embedded
sentence in (4) contains a subject John which is distinct from
each other so that the relation between X and Y is blocked by

11 See Bregman, A. 1990. Auditory Scene Analysis, Cambridge MA:
MIT Press.

12 See for instance Langacker, R. 1986.  Foundations of Cognitive
Grammar, vol 1. Stanford CA:  Stanford University Press, and
Lackoff, G.1987.  Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things.  Chicago IL:
University of Chicago Press.

13 See Rubens, A. B. and A. Kertesz. 1983.  The localization of
lesions in transcortical aphasias.  In A. Kertesz, ed.
Localization in Neurosychology.  Academic Press, pp 245-268.
Also see Sereno, M. I. 1991.  Language and the Primate Brain.
Proceedings Cognitive Science Society , Hillsdale NJ:  Erlbaum.
pp 79--84.

14 Clarkson, K. 1982.Grammatical Inference, in Cohen P. and E.
Feigenbaum, eds. The handbook of Artificial Intelligence.  Vol 3.
p 500.

15 The distinction between knowledge as a qualitative property
rather than a quantitative one does not mean that there cannot be
more knowledge or less knowledge built into a system.  It does
mean, though, that we cannot measure exactly how much using a
familiar quantitative scale.   This restriction applies because
first knowledge is an attitude to propositions, and propositions
are notoriously difficult to measure.  Second, what a system is
thought to know can vary with context and indeed with what aspect
of system behaviour we are studying.  16 For a preliminary
discussion of this idea, see Kirsh D. 1990.  When is information
explicitly represented?, in P. Hanson, ed.  Information, Language
and Cognition.  Vancouver BC: UBC Press.

17 Both the updating rule and the momentum associated with
movement in weight space can also effect smoothness.

18 Minsky M, and S. Papert, 1988. Perceptrons (2nd ed.).
Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

19 M.  Dutta, Econometric Methods, South Western, 1975, p 10.

20 It is not clear that circularity can be avoided here.  For if
the defining feature of a humanly learnable language is that it
is consistent with Universal Grammar (UG), and the meaning of UG
is that it defines the space of humanly learnable languages --
the innate restrictions imposed by the language organ on what
languages humans might possibly learn -- then it is analytically
true that UG is perfectly tuned to the structure of human
languages.    This is one way of guaranteeing a necessary
relation between UG and the domain of language.

21 This is not literally true.  Most backprop methods allow for a
momentum parameter whose job is precisely to slow the jerkiness
of gradient descent.  That is, to prevent taking very short steps
downhill that go off in a different direction than one has been
moving, an extra input is added to make smooth transitions more
desirable.   But the point still stands that this is not a
flexible control method that allows backprop to make use of
linguistic information in its moment by moment choice of how to
update weight vectors.

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