Academic and Public Service


Cognitive Science: John Batali 1993 - present
Richard Belew 1993 - present
Aaron Cicourel 1993 - present
Seana Coulson 1999 - present
Gedeon Deak 1999 - present
Jeffrey L. Elman 1977 - present
Gilles Fauconnier 1993 - present
David Kirsh 1993 - present
Marta Kutas 1993 - present
Joan Stiles 1982 - present
Martin Sereno 1993 - present
Linguistics: Farrell Ackerman 1988 - present
Robert Kluender 1993 - present
Ronald W. Langacker 1970 - present
Rachel Mayberry 2005 - present
David M. Perlmutter 1977 - present
Maria Polinksy 1997 - present
Sanford A. Schane 1970 - present
Neurosciences: Angela Ballantyne 1998 - present
Mark Kritchevsky 1996 - 2004
Jeanne Townsend 1998 - present
Doris Trauner 1990 - present
Psychology: Mark Appelbaum 1996 - present
Leslie Carver 2001 - present
Vic Ferreira 1997 - present
Computer Science & Eng.: Garrison Cottrell 1985 - present
Communication: Carol Padden 1996 - present
CRL Research Appointments: Adele Abrahamson, Associate Project Scientist
Rita Ceponiene, Assistant Project Scientist
Fred Dick, Assistant Research Scientist
Nina Dronkers, Research Scientist
Judy Reilly, Research Scientist (joint with Center for Human Devlopment)
Donna Thal, Research Scientist
Beverly Wulfeck, Research Scientist

In addition, CRL enjoys faculty participation from several other institutions.

San Diego State University Larry Fenson
Judith Reilly
Lew Shapiro
The Salk Institute Ursula Bellugi
Karen Emmorey
Carnegie-Mellon University Brian MacWhinney
Jay McClelland
University of Washington Philip Dale
Yale University Stephen Reznick
University of Wisconsin, Madison Virginia Marchman
National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan, ROC Ovid Tzeng
University of Rome Antonella Devescovi
(and Clinica Santa Lucia) Luigi Pizzamiglio
National Council of Research Institute of Psychology, Rome Virginia Volterra
Cristina Caselli
University of Oregon Helen Neville
New York University Ruth Nass
VA Medical Center, La Jolla, CA Lynn Holland
California State University, Long Beach Lynn Snyder
Moscow State University Tatiana Akhutina
Andrew Kurgansky
VA Medical Center, Martinez, CA Nina Dronkers
Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Germany Angela Friederici
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria Boicho Kokinov

Encho Gerganov

Ludmil Mavlov

Elena Andonova


A weekly seminar series entitled Parallel Distributed Processing and Natural Language Processing (PDPNLP) is also sponsored by CRL, with presentations on a wide range of topics on language development and language processing in human beings and neural networks.

A workshop on children with focal brain injury was hosted by CRL in July, 1992 and funded by the MacArthur Foundation. Thirty seven participants plus workshop guests participated, many from abroad. The major purpose of the workshop was to provide a forum in which investigators discussed the major issues most central to the question of understanding development in the focal lesion population and to reach agreement on common definitional criteria.

CRL hosted the 33rd Annual Academy of Aphasia Meeting, November 5-7, 1995. (The Program is attached.) 225 scientists and researchers from around the globe (England, Italy, eastern United States, China, Japan, India, Israel and Australia) attended the meeting in order to share their current work in platform sessions, a symposium, poster sessions, informal discussion and collaboration. Some topics discussed were: word class phenomena, localization and imaging, primary progressive aphasia, syntax and morpho-syntax, and phonology and lexicon. The meeting provided a showcase for the scientists of UCSD and the work in brain and language being performed at The Center for Research in Language. UCSD graduate and undergraduate students had the rare opportunity to attend this high level research meeting and interact with scientists at the top of their field. As 1995 Chair of the Academy, Dr. Bates organized the meeting and program events.

Faculty and staff involved in the Project in Cognitive and Neural Development meet every Monday to discuss the research on the two NIH projects. PCND also hosts a monthly scientific presentation which consists of speakers from the fields of child and human development, communication disorders and language processing. Notice of this presentation is widely distributed to students and faculty at the Salk Institute, San Diego State University and UCSD departments of Neurosciences, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Communication and Linguistics.


CRL has played an increasingly important role in teaching at UCSD. During this review period, CRL obtained and administered a training grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders, entitled "Language, Communication and the Brain." This five-year program provided four pre-doctoral and two-postdoctoral fellowships per year, with predoctoral fellowships awarded to students in the departments of Cognitive Science, Linguistics and Psychology. A proposal for the 5-year renewal of our NIDCD training program has just been submitted, with a request for an additional two predoctoral slots per year to accommodate students in the new joint doctoral program.

In 1996, a new joint doctoral program in Language and Communicative Disorders was founded, jointly administered by CRL (the administrative home at UCSD) and The School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences at San Diego State University. Marilyn Newhoff serves as the director of the SDSU component, and CRL Director Bates co-directs the UCSD component with Psychology Department chairman David Swinney. The joint doctoral program enrolled its first graduate class in the fall of 1996.

In addition to these formal commitments to graduate teaching, the CRL laboratories serve as "home base" to a large number of undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students with a primary interest in language. These have included a substantial number of minority students who are attracted to the many cross-linguistic and multilingual projects underway in CRL, using their own special skills as fluent multilinguals while they learn about basic research in language development and language processing.