CRL Newsletter
As you all know, CRL is a big, multi-disciplinary, international community. This newsletter aims to be a source for readers to turn to in order to find out what is going on in CRL at large. Examples of things you can find out in this corner are announcements for recent and upcoming talks, meetings and conferences, information about new faculty members, visitors, graduate students and staff affiliated with CRL, new publications, developments and accomplishments from the labs/departments involved...
We need input from you! We would appreciate it if you could send us news that you think CRL Newsletter readers would be interested in so that we can announce it here. Use the Contact Form to send in your contributions to the Newsletter.
Current Issue
Vol. 28, No. 1, January 2015
Technical Report
Language Skills and Speed of Auditory Processing in Young Children
1 Veterans Medical Research Foundation, San Diego, CA, USA
2 Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA
Back Issues
Back issues of the CRL Newsletter are also available for viewing or downloading.
Talk Abstracts
Abstracts for the CRL Talks given in Spring 2013 can be found under CRL Talks Past Talks.
Recent Papers
We also maintain a list of recent publications by CRL affiliates.

Elizabeth Bates Graduate Research Fund
The Center for Research in Language provides awards to assist affiliated graduate students in their research. The fund was created in memory of Elizabeth A. Bates, former director of the Center. Information will be available on the CRL website.
If you wish to contribute to this fund in memory of Elizabeth Bates, please send to (checks payable to UC Regents):
Elizabeth Bates Graduate Research Fund
c/o Center for Research in Language - MC 0526
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0526
Or donate online at Give To UC San Diego: Elizabeth Bates Graduate Research Fund
In keeping with Professor Bates' deep commitment to supporting students, this fund is used to assist graduate students in their research, emphasizing the many areas in which Professor Bates made pioneering contributions.

CRL Around The World
Below are links to some research institutes around the world that are part of the CRL community: