CRL Newsletter
Vol. 16, No. 1
December 2004
Technical Report
The relationship between language and coverbal gesture in aphasia
Department of Psychology, University of Vienna; Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego
The relationship between language and gesture constitutes an intriguing field of interest and has attracted considerable research on aphasic as well as healthy individuals. In this paper controversial positions on gesture use in aphasia shall be presented, addressing the issue to what extent aphasics are able to employ the nonverbal channel as a means of compensation for purposes of communication and speech production. Neuropsychological findings on the role of coverbal gesture in the speech production process will be discussed. Finally a short presentation of recent research on the mirror neuron system as a possible neural substrate for both language and gesture shall open new ways to look at the issue of debate.
Technical Report
Introducing the Gesture Norming Study: A tool for understanding on-line word and picture processing
1Center for Research in Language, University of California, San Diego; 2SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Language & Communicative Disorders; 3Washington University in St, Louis; 4Università Vita-Salute, Milan, Italy ; 5Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego