CRL Newsletter
Vol. 10, No. 1
October 1995
Technical Report
Representing the Structure of a Simple Context-Free Language in a Recurrent Neural Network: A Dynamical Systems Approach
Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD
Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) architectures demonstrate a potentially radical alternative to the traditional theories of language processing that are based on serial computational models. However, learning complex structural relationships in temporal data presents a serious challenge to PDP systems. For example, automata theory dictates that processing strings from a simple Context-Free Language(CFL) requires a memory device. This project will employ standard backpropagation training techniques for a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) in the task of learning a simple CFL.
I will show that a RNN can learn to recognize the structure of a simple CFL; and using Dynamical Systems Theory, one can correctly identify how network states reflect that structure. An important question that arises is whether or not the RNN performs similarly or not to discrete automata.
It is well established that sentences of natural language are more than
just a linear arrangement of words. Sentences have complex temporal structures
that are often characterized syntactically, such as phrase structures, subject-verb
agreement, and relative-clauses. Representing and processing such structure
presents a critical challenge to mechanisms of natural language processing
(NLP), both as a gauge of their theoretic capability and their potential
to provide a pyschological account of natural language parsing. Ideally,
a mechanism should reflect the nature of the process as well as how it is
A traditional view of NLP is based on mechanisms of discrete finite automata.
Automata theory states that a regular language can be processed by a Finite
State Machine (FSM). However, if a language has center-embedding, then that
language is a Context-Free Language(CFL) which requires a Push-Down Automata(PDA).
Importantly, a PDA is a FSM with an additional resource of a memory-like
device that is a "stack" or "counter" in order to keep
track of the embeddings (figure 1).
Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) architectures demonstrate a potentially radical alternative to the traditional theories of language processing. However, learning complex structural relationships in temporal data presents a serious challenge to PDP systems. Here I show that a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) can learn a simple CFL. Furthermore, I use Dynamical Systems Theory to demonstrate how the RNN reflects the functional requirements of a CFL. In particular, the net can organize resources in order to keep track of input and maintain informational states that reflect the temporal structure of the input. The analysis enables a rough comparison to PDA. This work is complementary to theoretic analysis of RNN capabilities (e.g. Siegelmann) yet original in its specific identification of dynamic properties involved. The work is distinct to other proposed modelling of CFL, such as sequential recursive auto-associative memory (RAAM, e.g. Kwasny and Kalman, 1995), in that I am not directly attempting to represent constituent structures. An important question that arises is: How does a RNN compare to a PDA?
2.1 Description
Neural network architectures demonstrate a potentially radical alternative
to the traditional discrete automata. A neural network system has no explicit
state definitions nor explicit memory stores, but rather consist of simple
neuron-like nodes (or units) which are linked together via weighted-connections
so that the activation value of a node is a function of weights and activation
values from nodes that are directly connected to it. Weights can be adjusted
through an error correction procedure (backpropagation) which allows the
network to learn input-output mappings (Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams,
A recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture contains feedback connections
which allow the system to have node activation values at one time step affect
the same node activation values at the next time step, thereby reflecting
temporal processing. Figure 2 presents a typical RNN architecture with two
binary-valued input nodes,(shown as input lines), two hidden nodes, two
output nodes, and one bias node. The feedback connections are implemented
through copy units and the weights can also be updated through appropriate
error correction procedures (Elman, 1991; St. John, 1992).
2.2 RNN and Language
Empirical investigations using RNNs with simple artificial grammars have
shown that a RNN can learn to recognize strings from a RG (Giles et al.,
1992; Giles et al., 1993; Waltrous and Kuhn, 1992; Servan-Shrieber, et al.,
1989; Smith and Zipser, 1989). However, relatively little conclusive work
has been done using RNNs with artificial CFGs, nor has it been shown how
a RNN might perform the same functions as a PDA in processing strings from
a CFG. A sequential version of the RAAM model was shown to have compositional
structure yet it was not shown how it might generalize on long input strings
(Kwasny and Kalman, 1995). Recently, it was shown that a RNN can perform
recognition of strings from a CFG, but the network could not generalize
properly (Batali, 1994).
Empirical investigations using natural language input have not demonstrated
conclusive results on sentence processing capabilities of RNNs.1 For example, Elman
reports a RNN that can learn up to three levels of center-embeddings (Elman,
1991). Stolke reports a RNN that can learn up to two levels of center-embeddings,
and up to five levels for tail-recursion (Stolke, 1990). Other work has
shown that a RNN can process temporal semantic cues within sentences and
reflect semantic constraints and associations (St. John, 1990).
Interestingly, it has been shown that a RNN can handle more levels of embedding
if there are additional semantic constraints (Weckerley and Elman, 1992).
The authors suggest that the RNN is a mechanism that reflects performance.
However, in all these latter studies it may be the case that the RNN is
performing the functional equivalent of a FSM. In other words the RNN may
not appropriately reflect syntactic structure of complex sentences as does
a PDA. Perhaps RNN capabilities are inherently limited such that performance
is only reflected gratuitously. The current state of affairs presents a
dilemma for RNN enthusiasts - they have a mechanism that reflects some aspects
of performance, but they do not yet have a theory about the "nature
of the solution".
3.1 Issues
The broader question that situates my research is the issue of how a RNN may suggest an alternative psychological description of syntactic processing tasks. However, I will not directly address this question. Rather I will be addressing two related questions that work toward the bigger issue:
- Can a RNN learn to process a simple CFL?
- What are the states and resources employed by the RNN?
The first question demands that a RNN learn to process a simple CFL so that it generalizes beyond those input/output mappings presented in training. In other words, the performance of the RNN must somehow reflect the structure of the input. The second question demands a functional description of how the RNN reflects the structure of the input. Ideally, one should ground the functional description of states and resources on a formal analysis of the RNN dynamics. Next I will describe the RNN experiment and later I will introduce concepts from Dynamical Systems Theory as the method of analysis.
3.2 RNN Experiment
The input stimuli is a very simple CFL that uses only two symbols, {a, b},
and consists of strings of the form a^n b^n, in which "n" is an
integer greater than 0. The training set consists of all strings of total
length up to 22, or n=11, which means 11 a's followed by 11 b's. There are
more proportionately more short strings than long strings in a ratio of
10 to 1 of shortest to longest. A network that properly generalizes will
correctly process strings beyond length n=11.
The architecture for the experiment will be a RNN with 2 input units, 2
hidden units, 2 copy units, 2 output units, 1 bias unit (see figure 2).
In one time step the hidden unit activation values and then output unit
activation values will be updated. The copy units will hold the hidden unit
values in preparation for the next time step.
The RNN will be trained to predict the next input such that if a network
makes all the right predictions possible then the network is correctly processing
the input. Elman points out several advantages in the prediction task; for
one it requires minimal commitment to defining the role of an external teacher,
and more importantly it is psychologically motivated by the observation
that humans use prediction and anticipation in language processing (Elman,
For the simple CFL input a^n b^n, when the network has "a" input,
it will not be able to accurately predict the next symbol because the next
symbol can be another "a" or the first "b" in the sequence.
On the other hand, when the network has a "b" input, it could
accurately predict the number of "b" symbols that match the number
of "a" input, and then also predict the end of the string (Batali,
1994). Correct processing of a string is defined as follows:
- A) "b" input => predict only "b" symbols, except for B).
- B) last "b" input => predict end of the string (or beginning of the next string).
(Since the network outputs values are continuous, I will use a cut off value at .5.)
3.3 Overall Results
I will present two cases of the RNN training results. Both cases use the same network architecture and training set, different sets of initial weights, and were trained to the point of best performance. The first network learned proper predictions for n=8 and the second learned proper predictions for n=16, for a total string length of 32. I claim that the first case attempts to solve the problem in an intuitive way, although it fails. The second case found a solution that does generalize, although the solution will be non-intuitive and will require a dynamical systems analysis. Consequently, before I present the results in detail, in the next section I will introduce the concepts and formalisms of dynamical systems theory.
4.1 Dynamical Systems Theory as Method
How does one compare and contrast a RNN to finite automata, such as FSM or PDA? The difficulty of the question stems from the fact that a RNN contains node activations that consist of a real number between 0 and 1, whose value is a function of previous node activations and current inputs. In fact, the set of values represent a coordinate point in a high-dimensional vector space defined over real numbers, which implies that two sets of node values have some meaningful measure of distance. On the other hand, in finite automata, such as a FSM or PDA, there exists a predefined set of discrete states and a transition functions which maps current states and current input into a next state. The states have no topological meaning and there is no middle ground between them. Recent work has formally compared a RNN to a FSM by analyzing the RNN performance using mathematical techniques from dynamical systems theory (Casey, 1995; also Tino, Horne, and Giles, 1995). In a similar vein, I will use dynamical systems theory techniques to evaluate a RNN and draw comparisons to PDA.
4.2 Dynamical Systems Overview
A dynamical system is often used to describe real physical systems in which
the state of the system at some time depends on the state at a previous
time. Many concepts can be introduced by describing some simple physical
systems. For example consider a ball placed on a 3-D landscape (figure 3).
Depending on where the ball is initially placed, the ball will roll around
to some lowest point that it can reach. The position of the ball at some
time depends on the position of the ball at some previous time. If the ball
is at rest then it is at a "fixed point". If the fixed point is
at the bottom of a valley then it is called an attracting fixed point. If
the fixed point is at the top of a hill then it is called a repelling fixed
point because with a slight perturbation the ball will roll away. The path
that the ball takes is called a trajectory.
The 3-D physical landscape can be characterized by a vector flow field in a phase space diagram. The vector flow field represents the set of possible trajectories and the phase space diagram coordinate axis that represent the state variables of the system.2 In this example the state variables are the {x, y} coordinate point of the ball position. For each position on the landscape, the vector flows describe the change of position. In fact, the entire trajectory of the ball can be roughly plotted out in the phase space diagram.
4.3 A RNN is a Dynamical System
A RNN is a system that can be characterized as a discrete-time dynamical
system. Since the weight parameters are held constant after training, if
the input values are held constant for several time steps, then the hidden
unit activation values are the state variables in a phase space diagram.
The coordinate system of the phase space diagram would be the pair {hidden
unit 1, hidden unit 2} and the vector flow field would give a qualitative
description of the change in activation values over several time steps (i.e.
a trajectory). Note that for each input there will be a different set of
dynamics. Hence for my experiment, there will be one phase space diagram
for "a" input, and one diagram for "b" input.
Since the output units are a function of the hidden unit values it will
be informative to draw a contour plot on the phase space diagram for each
output unit. I will draw a one-line contour plot which cuts up the phase
space such that for all {hidden unit 1,hidden unit 2} values on one side
of the line the output unit is > .5 or .5 (threshold value).
4.4 Dynamical Systems Analysis
For a discrete-time dynamical system one can use a standard technique ("linearization") for analyzing the behavior near a fixed point. The technique produces a linear system for which the eigenvalues3 govern how the trajectories are contracting or expanding. The eigenvalues give the rate of contraction or expansion and the eigenvectors give the axis along which the system contracts or expands. For example:
- a) eigenvalues > 1 or -1 => system is expanding and the fixed point is repelling,
- b) eigenvalues 1 and > -1 =>system is contracting and the fixed point is attracting,
- c) at least one eigenvalue > 1 or -1 => system is expanding in the direction of the eigenvector that corresponds to that eigenvalue and the fixed point is also a repelling point specifically referred to as a saddle point.
I will present two cases of the RNN training results. Case 1 learned the training set only for n=8; case 2 learned the training set completely and generalized for n=16. I will present first a graphical analysis of network performance using vector flow fields and graphing the trajectories (all diagrams are attached at the end). The graphical analysis will only provide a qualitative description of the network dynamics and provide some insights into the mathematical analysis that follows later.
5.1 Case 1
The output units cut up the phase space evenly along a nearly vertical line,
such that all {HU1, HU2} (where HU is abbreviation for hidden unit) values
to the left of the line predict an "a", and all {HU1,HU2} values
to the right predict a "b". Most networks independent of overall
performance divided the phase space evenly, although not necessarily vertically.
This will be shown on trajectory diagrams below as a line in diagram.
Figure 4 shows the vector flow field for the two input conditions. Note
that the vectors are scaled from their true magnitude, but the relative
vector size still reflects relative change in {HU1, HU2}. " Fa"
and "Fb" represent the dynamics for the "a" input condition
and "b" input condition respectively. Note that Fa has an attracting
point near (0,.35), and Fb has an attracting point near (0,1). In the physical
metaphor the Fa landscape has a valley that slopes down to (0,.35), and
Fb has a valley that slopes down to (0,1). One can imagine placing a ball
on the Fa hill, letting it roll for a while, and then holding the ball steady
at some location while the landscape is instantaneously switched to Fb.
Now the ball will change directions and roll around to the other attracting
point. This is exactly analogous to feeding the network some strings of
the form "".
The landscape analogy has at least one caveat. In real landscapes a ball
will roll quickly down from a hilltop and perhaps roll past a small valley,
depending on speed, momentum, etc.. However, in the RNN dynamics there is
an important rule of thumb: the trajectory will always have small changes
near a fixed point - for both attracting and repelling points.
Figure 5 shows the trajectory for some short strings, n=2 and n=3. Each
arrow represents 1 time step, hence 1 input. The tail of the arrow is the
value of {HU1, HU2} before the time step (i.e. the copy units) and the head
represents the updated value of {HU1, HU2} after applying the activation
functions. Note that the initial value was chosen by allowing the network
to run for one or two short strings. Importantly, the last "b"
input results in a change in {HU1, HU2} that crosses over to the left of
the dividing line, hence the network properly predicts an "a"
when the last "b" is input. Not surprisingly the last {HU1, HU2}
value is near the initial starting value.
Figure 6 shows the trajectories for longer strings: n=4 and n=5. As above,
the network trajectory correctly crosses the dividing line on the last "b"
input. Figure 7 shows the trajectories for n=8 and n=9. Note how the network
arrows are increasingly shorter near the Fa attracting fixed point. Also,
the first "b" input cause a transition to a region of phase space
where the arrows can take smaller step sizes as well. However, for n=9 the
network crosses the dividing line on the 8th "b", suggesting that
perhaps the step sizes are not properly matched.
One important feature is that the case 1 network performed most of the processing of "a" input along the HU2 axis, and most of the processing for "b" input along the HU1 axis. In fact, Fa monotonically decreased in HU2, and Fb monotonically decreased in HU1, which intuitively suggests that the network is "counting a's" and then "counting b's", with a transition from "a" to "b" that attempts to set up a proper "b" starting point.
5.2 Case 2
The case 2 network also has output values that divide the phase space along
a nearly vertical line (but not all networks have vertical dividing lines).
The flow fields in figure 8 show that Fa has an attracting point near (0,.85).
The Fb also seems to have an attracting point near (.4,.8), however, the
dynamics for Fb turn out to be more complicated. In fact, with simple computer
iteration of the network activation functions it was determined that Fb
will eventually settle into a periodic-2 fixed point. Therefore in figure
9 I show the dynamics for Fb and for Fb^2, (the composite of Fb with itself).
One can now see that Fb^2 has 2 fixed points, near (0,.4) and (1,1). Since,
a fixed point for Fb^2 is a periodic point for Fb, we can see that the Fb
vector flow field shows not an attracting point but actually a repelling
point. The trajectories will show that the network oscillates around the
repelling point and eventually settles into the periodic 2 fixed point.
The oscillations are the reason that the vectors point toward the repelling
point in the Fb dynamics in figure 8. The landscape metaphor would be a
large hill with a valley below it, but the valley has a smaller hill in
the middle of it such that a ball will roll down the hill towards the small
hill but then roll towards the lower points in the valley.
Figure 10 shows the trajectories for short strings, n=2 and n=3. Again the
arrows represent 1 time step, hence 1 input. In the next figure, n=4 and
n=5, one can see that the trajectories are actually oscillating around both
the attracting point and the repelling point. Figure 12 confirms that the
oscillations are somehow matched up for longer strings. In other words,
if the last "a" input ends up a little higher(or lower) than the
attracting fixed point, then the "b" input must transition to
a coordinate point that is also higher (or lower) than the repelling fixed
point. Also, the smaller arrows of Fa must be matched by small arrow of
Fb. As the Fb trajectory steps expand around the repelling point, the network
will cross the dividing line on the last expanding step after taking the
correct number of total smaller steps. I will refer to such complementary
dynamics as coordinated trajectories.
5.3 Analysis Results
In this section I will develop a deeper analysis of the networks and establish
some informal criteria that explain how a network is successful. The analysis
employs a standard technique of 'linearization' around the fixed point for
each input condition. I will be using this technique to compare the trajectory
for Fa and Fb. Since the graphs show that the interesting dynamics occur
in the neighborhoods around the attracting point for Fa and the saddle point
for Fb, I will use these two points as the fixed points in the linearization
In the physical metaphor these points correspond to a valley in the Fa landscape,
and a hilltop in the Fb landscape.
The results in table 1 summarize my findings. I have added two other cases
of networks with the same architecture trained on the same task, although
with different combinations of initial seed, training set, and eta values.
Case 3 is a network that had dynamics similar to case 1.5
Case 4 is a network with dynamics similar to my case 2, which was found
by Janet Wiles in related work.
CASE max n learned Fa Fb 1/Fa ---- ------------- ------ -------- -------- 1 8 .408 .832 2.45 2 16 -.7095 -1.455* -1.409* 3 7 .242 1.29 4.136 4 25 -.637 -1.536** -1.57**
Table 1. A comparison of largest eigenvalues at the attracting fixed point
of Fa and repelling fixed point of Fb. The successful networks have eigenvalues
that are inversely proportional to each other. The starred values indicate
which values are proportional.
The table compares the largest eigenvalues of the Fa system with the largest
eigenvalue of the Fb system. These eigenvalues are associated with the eigenvectors
that correspond to the axis of contraction under Fa, and the axis of expansion
Fb.6 The
contraction and expansion rates, which are given by the eigenvalues, indicate
the change in hidden units values from one time step to the next. In other
words, the size of the trajectory step, as seen in the graphical analysis,
is completely determined by the eigenvalues. If the eigenvalues are inversely
proportional, then step sizes for "a" input will be matched by
step sizes for "b" input. In the landscape metaphor, if the eigenvalues
of Fa and Fb are exactly proportional to each other, then the upward slope
of the valley in the Fa landscape matches the downward slope of the hilltop
in the Fb landscape.
Based on the results in the table I can state the first attempt at a criterion
for success as the following:
- C1) If the rates of contraction for Fa around the attracting point and the rate of expansion for Fb around the saddle point are inversely proportional to each other, then a RNN can process the a^n b^n language by matching step sizes for "a" input and "b" input.
The above criterion explained how trajectory steps match in size, which
helps explain how the network predicts the transition at the end of the
string. However, it does not explain how a network can organize itself to
so that the transition from the last "a" to the first "b"
in an input sequence will put the network in a region of phase space such
that the step sizes will match. I will explain this by looking at the eigenvectors
at the saddle point.
Figure 13 replicates the vector flow field for Fb and Fb^2. I have also drawn in the lines in the direction of the eigenvectors, which intersect at the location of the saddle point. The line that crosses the HU2 axis near (0,.85) is the stable eigenvector line; and the line that crosses the HU2 axis near (0,.65) is the unstable eigenvector line. Values of {HU1,HU2} near the stable eigenvector get contracted in towards the saddle point before moving towards the periodic 2 fixed point. Notice that the attracting point for the Fa dynamics (see figure 12) nearly falls on the stable eigenvector line of the saddle point for the Fb dynamics. The full criterion can now be stated as follows:
- C2) If "C1)" above is satisfied, and if the attracting point of Fa lies on the stable eigenvector of the saddle point for Fb then a RNN can process the a^n b^n language.
These criteria describe coordinated trajectories.
The case 2 network generalized for n=16, which is 10 characters more in
total string length than presented in training. The ability of the network
to perform the task is manifested in the weight parameters of the output
units and the dynamics of the hidden units. Although, the network did not
generalize to an infinite length string, one can comfortably conjecture
based on the analysis that the network dynamics reflect the structure of
the input/output task.
In fact one can draw functional correspondences between the behavior of
the network and the behavior of the PDA as follows:
PDA: RNN: stack/counter ~ coordinated trajectories state ~ region of activation values transition ~ a change in activation values
I am not implying that a RNN is equivalent to a PDA; the coordinated trajectory
concept I introduce is neither a stack nor a counter. However, in the context
of the task domain and network architecture the hidden node dynamics realize
an equivalent functional and informational content as that provided by a
stack or counter in the context of a PDA. Also, the dynamical systems interpretation
provides the correct functional description (as well as the mathematical
analysis) of the resources employed by a RNN. In particular, a coordinated
trajectory is composed of the following resources in the a^n b^n task domain:
1) the contracting dynamics of the attracting point under "a"
input condition matches the expanding dynamics of the repelling point under
the "b" input condition and 2) the attracting point under "a"
input condition lies near the axis of convergence of the saddle point.
In conclusion, I can address the two questions I presented earlier: first,
a RNN can learn to process a simple CFL; secondly the states and resources
employed are correctly identified by a dynamical systems interpretation.
A RNN can employ its resources to behave functionally as a stack/counter.
However, there are important differences which may not correspond to a PDA.
In the case of a PDA the states of the system that control the stack or
counter is literally disconnected from the stack or counter device. In the
case of a RNN one cannot decouple the coordinated trajectory from the states
of the system. In fact, the trajectory is the state of activation values
and the change of activation values.7
7.1 Overview
The work here has implications for a variety of issues. In this section I would like to briefly discuss some of these. My purpose is not to postulate any answers but rather point out that the work here adds a building block to the connectionist framework and perhaps new background information with which to frame some language processing questions.
7.2 The Psychological Account
An important question surrounding this work is the following: Does a RNN
provide an alternative account of psychological data on human language processing
than discrete automata? For example, a PDA with limitations on the stack
depth can account for human performance limits on processing center-embedded
sentences (Barton, et al. 1987). However, experiments have shown that semantic
information might aid the processing of center-embedded sentences (Stolz,
1967). In a PDA framework this is problematic because syntactic processing
constraints on the stack device must somehow depend on semantic constraints
as well (Marcus, 1980). On the other hand, Weckerly and Elman (1992) have
demonstrated that a RNN can learn to process center-embedded sentences with
semantically biased verbs better than semantically unbiased verbs, suggesting
that a RNN mechanism reflects some aspects of performance more seamlessly.
The work presented here suggests a related question that one can now ask:
How does content affect trajectories? In other words, since we have some
characterization of the resources involved in trajectories, we can begin
to understand how different task domains, including ones that use semantic
input, affects those resources. The affects could arise from precision,
location of fixed points, rates of contraction/expansion, the topographical
relationships of those axis of contraction/expansion, the ability of output
units to "cut up" the phase space, etc.. The dynamical systems
analysis presented here provides insight on some performance issues for
RNN models of language processing, but by no means does it exhaust the possibilities.
7.3 Other Counters
Recently, Siegelmann has proved that one can construct a RNN to perform
as counters (Siegelmann, 1993). Each counter consists of one linear node
with only one recurrent connection to itself and the connections between
nodes are laid out such that they only have limited interaction.
In my case 2 network the "counting up" values oscillate and converge
around a fixed point, the "counting down" values oscillate and
expand around a repelling fixed point. More importantly my network learned
the solution, with hidden units that were fully connected to each other.
The axis of expansion in case 2 contained components of both hidden units
which suggests a solution that was distributed among units. The output units
were not specially constructed but rather developed their own connection
weights to cut up the hidden unit phase space as appropriate. In fact, since
the output units were not connected to the input units the hidden layer
was forced to find a solution that "counts up and down" in two
different regions of phase space. Essentially, the case 2 network realizes
a distributed solution for the task at hand.
7.4 What other CFLs can a RNN learn?
The possibility exists that the network dynamics are particular to the specific
task and do not reflect the kind of dynamics needed for CFLs in general.
For example, a more complicated CFL is the balanced parenthesis language.8 This language
consists of some number of "a" and the same number of "b",
but a "b" can be placed anywhere in the string such that it matches
some previous "a". In other words, the "ab" can be embedding
anywhere in the string. For this task the network can only correctly predict
the end of the string.
Further testing of the case 2 network with strings from the balanced parenthesis
language confirms that coordinated trajectories are sufficient to process
other CFLs. For example, the case 2 network will correctly predict the transition
at the end of strings such as "aabaabbb" and "aabaabaabbb".
This result is striking because the network was never trained on any strings
from the balanced parenthesis problem. The conditions to process this language
are related to those for a^n b^n language. Future work will investigate
whether or not a RNN can learn other CFLs. It is possible that the solution
may involve a different set of dynamics or just dynamics that are more complex.
7.5 Constituent Structure
It is premature to fully compare a RNN with a PDA because a PDA is capable of producing output in the form of constituent-tree structure, which represents a hierarchical relationship of syntactic structure. A RNN trained on the prediction task can reflect structure of the input strings but it does not develop constituent structure representations. However, an appreciation of the RNN capabilities and limitations directed at addressing such issues will contribute to an understanding of possible syntactic machineries necessary to support the production and comprehension of language. This work has demonstrated that under some configuration of dynamics a RNN has capabilities that reflect the structure of the input, independent of string length.
I would like to thank Jeffrey Elman for excellent guidance and insightful discussions about everything herein, and Janet Wiles for providing some of her sample work and engaging discussions. Also, I benefited from very helpful feedback from John Batali, Michael Casey, Paul Minero, Mark St. John, and David Zipser.
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1 Several
works have demonstrated that feed-forward networks are capable of representing
complex structural relationships, such as the RAAM model (e.g. Chalmers,
1992). Also, there have been other works showing that feed-forward networks
are capable of performing semantic processes, such as assigning thematic
role information (McClelland and Kawamoto, 1986; Miikkulainen, 1992). Some
researches have built networks to handle temporal structure by using special
delay lines or hierarchical structure (Lucas and Damper, 1992). My emphasis
here is on networks that attempt to organize itself to match the temporal
structure of the language task.
2 Note that
the phase space diagram does not include an axis for time.
3 An eigenvalue
is a scalar (, and an eigenvector is a vector v, such that for a system
of equations F, Fv=(v.
4 The case
1 network did not actually have a repelling point, however, I used the point
that had the smallest change in activation values, which still allows one
to make a rough comparison of dynamics.
5 Case 3
had dynamics that monotonically increase for 1 hidden unit in Fa, then monotonically
decreased for the other hidden unit in Fb, but in this case the dynamics
have a repelling point.
6 The other
eigenvalues are only important in the sense that they are small enough so
that the larger eigenvalues "dominate" the action.
7 This claim
is supported by formal definitions. In the set theoretic language of automata
the stack or counter is a discrete set distinct from the set of control
states. In the set theoretic language of dynamical systems a trajectory
(or orbit) is the real-valued set of state variables through time.
8 In fact
the language a^n b^n is a subset of the balanced parenthesis language.