CRL Newsletter
Vol. 12, No. 1
May 2000
Technical Report
Introducing the CRL International Picture-Naming Project (CRL-IPNP)
University of California, San Diego
University of Leipzig
University of Rome 'La Sapienza'
University of California, San Diego &
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
San Diego State University & University of California, San Diego
Yang Ming University, Taipei
New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest & University of Szeged
The UCSD Center for Research in Language is engaged in a large international study to provide norms for picture naming (both names produced and reaction times) in seven different languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Bulgarian, Hungarian) as well as a separate sample of bilinguals (Spanish-English). For all languages, norms have been obtained for 520 line drawings of common objects. For a subset of the languages, norms are being collected for another 275 line drawings of actions. Here we present an overview of the methodology, some preliminary results, and a discussion of plans for publication. A cross-language data base, organized by items, will soon be available on the CRL website, including results of the norming study itself together with available lexical information (frequency, age of acquisition, etc.) for the associated target names.